Artificial Reefs (ARs) are underwater manmade structures that mimic the characteristics of natural reefs and are one of the many ways that help our marine environment remain resilient and conserve its biodiversity.

Map and Location

The AR2020 was deployed 1km offshore the village of Barbara in Mount Lebanon at the average depth of 25m and it stretches over an area of 1225m2.

As the map shows, 47 concrete and metallic structures populated with limestone boulders and pottery jars were constructed: 12 houses, 15 trees, 15 towers and 5 tunnels.

Best Practices

  • Do not throw your anchor, use the AR buoys.
  • Respect fishing laws to report any violation to the authorities.
  • Do not crowd boats.
  • Keep an eye out for diver-down flags.
  • Do not throw trash overboard.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Be aware of certain species that may pose certain harm to you.
  • Respect the marine life.
  • Respect fishing regulations.
  • Do not fish within the Reef but around it to allow marine organisms to reproduce and mature.
  • Do not practice spearfishing within the Reef.
  • Do not touch, chase or feed marine organisms.
  • Practice catch and release especially for juveniles by returning them quickly and humanely to the water.
  • Avoid touching Reef structures and do not disturb sediments.

Share your photos and experience

Project Activities and Outputs

  • Meeting of the AR2020 steering committee.
  • Scientific surveys targeting the deployment site.
  • Construction and deployment of the AR.
  • Monitoring of species colonizing the AR.
  • Awareness raising activities for beneficiaries and schools.

Institute of the Environment

Tel: +961 (0)6 930 257

“This Artificial Reef was built with the financial support of the European Union”.

University of Balamand

Qalhat, Al Koura, Lebanon

Tel: +961 (0)6 930 250