Office of Athletics - Reservation Request

The sports facilities shall only be reserved for external groups at times when they are not scheduled for university use.

- Users will be responsible for their conduct and the conduct of all members and spectators and for their compliance with the rules of OAWR as well as generally accepted standards of conduct, behavior, and use of university property. Groups will ensure that members and spectators abide by the requests of the University of Balamand staff members who are acting in their official capacities.

- Users shall be responsible for the costs related to any vandalism, defacing of university property, malicious mischief, or other damages caused by participants in activities.

- Occasionally, unforeseen circumstances occur in university programming that may cause a particular group who has scheduled a part of the facility to be “bumped”, based on the “priority use of facilities”. This should be a rare occurrence and every attempt will be made to inform the impacted group as quickly as possible.

The priority use of sports facilities will be used to avoid conflicts as below.

1. UOB special events or functions authorized by the President or high administration.
2. UOB Physical Education Classes.
3. Scheduled athletic competitions with other institutions of higher education.
4. UOB sponsored athletic teams are currently in training.
5. UOB scheduled educational instruction, workshops, etc.
6. Scheduled recreations or intramural events.
7. Other groups’ requests will be subject to the availability of the facilities.
8. The facilities shall not be reserved for birthday parties or private parties.
Requestor Contact Information:
Name of Event:
Requester Name:
Person in charge:
Mobile Phone:
Emergency Phone:
Requested Use



Reservation Information

Start Date Time
End Date Time
I hereby certify and agree that I shall be personally responsible on behalf of myself/organization for any damage sustained to the facility, equipment, or premises because of the occupancy of said facility by my group/organization/club. Approval is dependent upon the intended use, availability, and the applicant’s agreement to the facility rental policy.

Waiver: I hereby waive, release, discharge, and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the University of Balamand, its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims by any person or entity, demands, causes of action or judgments for personal injury, death, damage or loss of property, or any other damage and/or liability occasioned by, arising out of, or resulting from this reservation or use of the facilities.

I hereby declare that I have read and understand and agree to abide by and to enforce the rules, regulations, and policies affecting the use of the facilities.